Officers and Commitees

If you wish to contact any of the SPP officers or Committee members please use the email links below (email links pending)

Board Meetings

The Shepherd Park Plaza Civic Club Board meets on the first Wednesday of every month in Board members’ homes. If you would like more information about attending a meeting, please contact our Hospitality Chair. Due to limited space in private homes, advance notice is appreciated. In addition, there are two general meetings per year in which all residents of Shepherd Park Plaza are invited to attend. These meetings are posted on this website on the Home page.



President: Davi Garza
Vice President: Carmen Busceme
Secretary: Kelly McNeill
Treasurer: Tom Caver


Advertising & Publicity: Jessica Burton
Architectural Control & Deed Restrictions: Darryl Rickaway
Citizens Patrol: TBD
Parks & City Liaison: Deborah DeBram, Katherine Peale
Constable Patrol Coordinator: Bill Scheel
Decorating Awards: Angela Kelly
Communications: Jesse Yoburn
Entrance Bed Maintenance: Mitch Sheaffer
Greeters: Joy Tober, Amanda Huston, Shannon Zierau
Historian: Joy Tober
Hospitality: Jodi Boyd, Kevin Simpson, Courtney Sheaffer, John Garza, Rachel Mathews
Membership: Jesse Yoburn
Plaza Pulse: Traci Hahn


Section 1 Rep.: Kelley Sebesta
Section 2 Rep.: Sarah Suarez
Section 3 Rep.: Carmen Busceme
Section 4 Rep.: Grant Gauld
Garden Club Rep.: Davi Garza
Plaza Moms Rep.: Kate Riley