SPP Needs You! Local “Citizens On Patrol” Training Tuesday, August 26, 7pm
SPP has just joined with Candlelight Plaza in hiring a second Deputy Constable. This is a great step in improving security in our neighborhood, but true 24/7 coverage would require five deputies! To continue to bridge the gap in coverage, we neighbors step in via Citizens On Patrol, or COP.An important part of our neighborhood security plan since 1991 has been our Citizen’s Patrol group. Being the eyes and ears for local law enforcement, and being visible on our streets, this dedicated group of residents lowered crime in SPP by over 70% almost immediately.
Some of these initial volunteers are still on the job but our numbers are declining.We desperately need new patrollers on the street to keep this the safe neighborhood we want for ourselves and our families. Yes, crime is low in our community but this is a result of our vigilance as a community. This is where you come in. Won’t you contribute one hour of your time each week to help keep the criminals out and your home safe? You don’t even have to schedule your time! The one requirement is to attend the official COP Training. We have arranged for a training session close to home in order to simplify the process of joining COP.
Sgt. Frank Escobedo presents COP Training
Near North Storefront
1334 west 43rd Street
Tuesday, August 26th at 7:00 P.M.
Prior to the training you must download the Citizen Patrol Application and Criminal History Authorization Form. This form must be completed and mailed to – Houston Police Department, c/o Sgt. Frank Escobedo, 9455 West Montgomery, Houston, TX 77088 – one week before the training (by Tuesday, August 19). Participants must be over 18 years of age with no criminal history.
If the above link did not work, here is the url: www.houstontx.gov/police/vip/vip_citzpatrol.htm. We all have a desire to protect our family, our home, and our neighbors. Please plan to attend this 1-2 hour session which will enable you to patrol as much or as little as your schedule permits. Thank you for your consideration.
Chuck Blesener ccbles77@gmail.com