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Halloween in SPP

Years ago the SPP Board developed a program that put some “organization” into the holiday. Many residents do not choose to participate and there had been complaints about trick or treaters showing up late at night. Your Board has developed the program described below which we feel is fair to all involved and will help make the holiday go more smoothly.

1. Large signs will be posted at the entrances to SPP requesting the Trick or Treaters to follow some basic safety rules, trick or treat between 6 and 8 p.m. only, and go to houses which are well lighted.

2. If trick or treaters are welcome to come to your home, please light up your house. Remember that it will be getting dark at 6:00 p.m.

3. If you do not choose to participate in the trick or treating, you may want to turn off your front porch light.

4. For your safety, remove “valuables” from the front of your home.

5. For the children’s safety, if you are driving in the neighborhood, be aware that some very excited children will be running about….drive slowly and cautiously.

6. It is highly recommended that you not park vehicles on the street on the night of Halloween. They make it difficult to see children crossing the street and the vehicle will be a lot safer parked in your garage or driveway

7. Plan to end your activities at 8 p.m. Please turn off your lights at 8 p.m. Our Deputy Constables will be on duty. Call 713-755-7628 if you have problems.


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